Service Request
Service Request
What is the role of human resources in business management?
Recruiting talented people and making good use of them has become a hot topic in corporate personnel management.
Have you ever had trouble recruiting competitive talent? Please consult with us.
It is a service that introduces executives who are responsible for the management of clients such as CEO, COO, CFO, CMO, and CTO, or who play a pivotal role in operation.
It is a service that introduces middle managers and specialists who can contribute to the company at the forefront of the sales/profit base of the client company.
It is a service that recommends an advisor who can solve current issues of the client company through consultation in a specific field for a limited time.
It is a service that professionally and systematically verifies the personal reputation of the external manpower that the client company wants to recruit.
It is a service that introduces executives who are responsible for the management of clients such as CEO, COO, CFO, CMO, and CTO, or who play a pivotal role in operation.
It is a service that introduces middle managers and specialists who can contribute to the company at the forefront of the sales/profit base of the client company.
It is a service that recommends an advisor who can solve current issues of the client company through consultation in a specific field for a limited time.
It is a service that professionally and systematically verifies the personal reputation of the external manpower that the client company wants to recruit.
Meet the best headhunters of Venture People.
We will help you get your project moving quickly.
You can check the professional headhunting job information conducted by Venture People.
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