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고객사에 기밀을 요하는 포지션은 본 란에 게재되지 않습니다.

  • 프로젝트명
    Solar Inverter Business Development
  • 회사개요
    외국계 통신장비 전문기업
  • 직급
  • 경력
    10년 이상 ~ 20년 이하
  • 키워드
  • 내용
    직무 개요
    Be responsible for Solar Inverter Industry key accounts sales development and work with partners to achieve sales target
    - Based on customers’requirement and feedback on market information, discover sales opportunity, cultivate, allocate and coordinate resources to improve the project successful rate, and achieve sales and credit collections target.
    - Develop and maintain the customer relationship platform for the accounts to effectively support the achievement of business target.
    - Explore opportunities,manage sales project operation,organize resource for project implementation and take responsibility for project success and profitability.
    - Improve transaction quality and customer satisfaction.
    - Develop and strengthen customer relationship by organizing activities such as company visit, courtesy calls and visits to customers (particularly with upper management), cooperating with partners and etc.

    경력 요건
    Deep knowledge of Solar industry customer's requirements, pain-points, and required digital power products
    - Understanding of digital power business trends and principle, knowledge of business development, partner/project managements.
    - Customer Relationship Development Capability
    - Project Operation Capability
    - Strategic-Thinking and Planning Capability
    - Transaction Management Capability
    - Capability to Communicate with Customers
    - Competition Management Capability
    - Crisis Management Capability
    - Channel Coordination Capability

    - 협의

    제출 기한
    - ASAP

    제출 서류 및 기타
    - 영문/국문 이력서 및 자기소개서

    담당 컨설턴트
    - 김지은 / jekim@vpeople.co.kr